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Why stationary samba walks needs to slip?
Posted by bluelion1938
8/20/2013  11:22:00 PM
Hi everyone I'm an amateur dancer for Latin dance and I have a question recently is that why we need "slip 8 center meter" in stationary samba walk? Furthermore,Is there difference between the ITDA samba step?

I'm confused because when I danced the samba it seems no difference. Thanks.

Re: Why stationary samba walks needs to slip?
Posted by O.K.
8/23/2013  6:32:00 PM
Bluelon. Because the Samba Walks as well as the Side Samba Walks have the same action as does the Stationary Samba Walks. Its all to do with that Samba Tick action.
Re: Why stationary samba walks needs to slip?
Posted by socialdancer
8/24/2013  6:45:00 AM
Yes the slip is a basic part of all the samba walks and results in the characteristic pelvic action.

This variant is (approximately) Stationary only because of the relative size of the forward step 1 compared with the slip. Each dance association has its own description but they are all very similar, the intention being that the dancers stays roughly on the spot.

For step 1 the IDTA says "close instep of LF to toe of RF".
The ISTD says "close LF to RF" but adds "may be repeated closing slightly forward on 1"

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